Earn Course Credit for Dr. Yarbrough's Class at The Cove
DTS students can receive course credit for hitting the road with Dr. Mark Yarbrough this summer.
Dr. Yarbrough, DTS’s vice president for Academic Affairs and academic dean, will be in Asheville, NC, June 23-27 to teach a course entitled “The BIG Picture: Grasping the Master’s Plan from Genesis to Revelation.” The week-long class is offered as an intensive Bible training course by the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove. DTS students can take the Seminar for credit as BE201 The Story of Scripture: Genesis to Revelation.
Too often, Christians view the scriptures as a collection of unrelated stories by many different authors. Dr. Yarbrough’s course teaches the unity of the Biblical narrative across all 66 books. Through daily class sessions and reflection time, this training will help students understand how every page of the Bible is connected and will encourage them know God in his role as Divine Author.
DTS students will receive elective credit for the course. Financial assistance is available through The Cove.
Current students and newly admitted students starting this Summer/Fall 2014 should wait for the Summer 2014 course schedule to be released and then enroll through DTS. If you wish to enroll in the class, but have not yet applied to become a student at DTS, please contact Team Admissions at [email protected] or 214-887-5040.
The training is open to the general public for a fee of $429. For more information and to register, visit The Cove Events. For information concerning course credit, please contact the DTS Advising Center.