RREACH Makes Deep Impact in Costa Rica
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This summer, Dr. Ramesh Richard, DTS professor of Pastoral Ministries and Global Theological Engagement and president of Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health (RREACH), hosted a pastor’s conference and four evangelistic events in Costa Rica. This nation touched the Richard household because his son Robby received his education there (as well as Robby’s wife!) and began ministry there. Because of this, Dr. Richard desired to serve the Costa Rican people.
Dr. Richard writes, “The Costa Rican Pastors Conference drew more than 250 pastors from nearly 20 denominations from rural and urban settings. I also had the privilege of speaking to the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly where about 60 of Costa Rica's political leaders attended and six leaders made professions of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That night the good news of the gospel was delivered to a house-full, sold-out event of 200 influential leaders at Costa Rica's premier country club, where 35 people responded to the invitation to embrace our Savior." Currently, both RREACH and local hosts are following up with them.
In addition, Dr. Bill Lawrence, DTS adjunct professor and RREACH board member, attended the Costa Rican outreach. He recalls, “Lynna and I got back from attending a RREACH board meeting and leading six workshops in a pastors conference in San Jose, Costa Rica. Dr. Richard also spoke to the Costa Rican congress this morning and to some of the key business people in the country this evening. We had about 265 pastors for this event and I did a three-day workshop on "Becoming a Powerful Pastor" around the subjects of "Get Behind Me, Satan"; "Power, Fear, Failure"; and "Slave Leadership." The response was very positive, and I was greatly encouraged by the participation of the over 100 pastors who attended my sessions.” Along with Dr. Lawrence, DTS Vice President for Campus Operations Robert Riggs and his wife Patti attended RREACH's Costa Rican outreach.
For more information about Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health, please visit the RREACH website.