County Line Church in Hampton, Georgia, pastored by Mike Halsey (ThM, 1969), had the following response to the September tragedy.

  • They began an investigation of mission organizations specializing in getting the Scriptures and the gospel into Arabic countries. 

  • They chose a mission organization and a missionary enterprise to a chosen Arabic country to "adopt" for at least one year. 

  • They presented a budget for next year that includes giving to that mission organization. 

  • They presented their recommendations to the church as a part of their annual missions conference.

  • The church's Board of Christian Education is now developing a    program relating to their chosen country in Sunday school, vacation Bible school, Wednesday night programs, and children's church. This program includes maps to make the church geographically aware of this country; it includes monthly reports on that country (its culture, foods, music, spiritual condition), the most up-to-date missionary activity in that country, and its history.    

Pastor Halsey writes, "The World Trade Center was brought down by pilots from the Middle East trained just south of Georgia in the Bible Belt. Who knows whether copies of God's Word, sent to Middle Eastern nations, may result in some other suicidal pilots coming to the Savior?  We can learn from a World War II general. Douglas McArthur, in looking over a defeated Japan, put out a call to America for Bibles and missionaries for that country. Our government's response may force bended knees, but only the Word can bend hearts."