Seven Everyday Ways to Worship the Lord
Admire the Wonders of Nature
Take a short walk around your neighborhood or local park. Notice God’s designs within nature. A spider web shimmers with raindrops. Daisies brighten the landscape. Lilacs perfume the air. God displays His glory through creation. God gave us dominion over His creation through which we may acknowledge Him. So often we look for God to move in the big and greater things, but God rarely shows off. He likes to move in the small to reveal his bigness (Prov. 30:24–28).
Dedicate a Sacrifice of Silence to the Lord
Set aside a 24-hour period and try to remain still. Such practice helps us listen, to consider our words fully and to control what we say and when we say it. The spiritual discipline of silence trains the spiritual being, bringing the believer into more effective cooperation with Christ.
Rise in the middle of the night while your family sleeps to experience complete silence—time free from noise, music and words. Offer your attention to Him. You will hear the tiny whispers of the Spirit. The prophet Isaiah said, “In quietness…is your strength” (Isa. 30:15).
Read Scripture Aloud
Today most people read their Bibles silently. Yet the early church read the Bible aloud in corporate settings. During your next Bible study, do as the early church did. Read Scripture aloud and celebrate His Word within the community of believers.
Memorize Scripture
Memorize a verse each week. Acknowledge the power of His words. In a chance meeting with an unbeliever, the Holy Spirit will use your memorized verse to defend the faith. In your relationships the Holy Spirit will bless those to whom you minister or advise through Scripture. But most of all, memorizing verses will arm you against trials and temptations. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Ps. 119:11).
Sing a Song of Praise
Lift your voice to Him. Let the rhythm sway you. Let your joy pour out like perfume. Sing an old hymn, or make up your own. Acknowledge the Lord with a song from your lips. “Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy” (Ps. 33:3).
Love Others
Reach out to the people around you and love them well. As God places people’s names in your mind, ask how you should respond. Love comes with a phone call, a word of appreciation, a hug, a card, or through doing a kind deed. Help a co-worker meet his deadline. Clean the bathroom or mow the lawn for your spouse. Listen and pour your life into children. Invite a senior over to dinner. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40).
Pray through a Psalm
Turn to the psalms. You will discover tears, laughter, remorse, anguish, and despair. God invites you to delve into His words and see how He meets your needs. Thank God for His message. Expect God to reveal Himself to you.
Millicent Poole and Joycelyn Seybold are both DTS students. Ms. Poole is pursuing a degree in Christian education; Ms. Seybold is pursuing a degree in theology.