Believe and Live Christianly

2 John 1:1-11

Illustrative Story

Parachute Story

  • An anecdote about a flight with limited parachutes
  • The importance of examining what we trust and rely on

You Cannot Live Christian Unless You Believe Christian

  • The disunity between doctrine and Christian life in modern evangelicalism

Examples of Doctrinal Disunity

Youth Minister Doctrinal Examination

  • A youth minister unable to articulate basic Christian doctrines

Pastoral Applicant to a Doctor of Ministry Program

  • An applicant unable to explain the importance of the Trinity in pastoral ministry

Seminary Professor's Comment

  • A professor dismissing the importance of theological knowledge

Key Doctrines

  • The authority and inerrancy of Scripture
  • The Trinity
  • The full deity and humanity of Christ
  • The spiritual lostness of the human race
  • The substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection of Christ
  • Salvation by faith alone in Christ alone
  • The physical return of Christ

Exposition of 2 John 1:5-11

Mutual Love Must Be Renewed (Verses 5-6)

  • Love is an ancient command that needs renewal

Aberrant Christology Destroys Love (Verses 7-8)

  • False teachings leading to doctrinal deficiencies and diminished love

Aberrant Christology Destroys Relationship with God (Verse 9)

  • A flawed understanding of Christ impacts one’s relationship with God

Aberrant Christology Forbids Recognition as Christian (Verses 10-11)

  • The necessity of sound Christology for being recognized as a true Christian


The Need for Unity Between Doctrine and Christian Life

  • Rejecting disunity between doctrine and life
  • The importance of doctrinal integrity in all aspects of Christian living

*The above summary is AI-generated, so discrepancies may exist. Please refer to the audio or video file to verify accuracy.

About the Contributors