What's the Most Important Thing About Jesus Christ?
Charles C. Ryrie teaches on the doctrine and implications of Jesus' dual nature at the 1981 President's Fellowship.
Pop Quiz Question
- Question: "What is the most important thing about Jesus Christ?"
- Possible answers considered: His death, resurrection, or second coming
- All answers provided were incorrect
The Identity of Jesus
- The most important thing about Jesus is who He is, not just what He did
- If Jesus isn't who He claimed to be, His actions lose meaning
Jesus as Both God and Man
- Jesus is fully God and fully man, an almost incomprehensible concept
- He had all the attributes of God, though some were veiled during His time on earth
Jesus as a Perfect Man
- Jesus was a perfect man, which is also difficult to grasp
- Examples given to illustrate the rarity of a perfect man
Importance of Jesus’ Dual Nature
- Jesus being both God and man is essential for salvation
- Only as a man could Jesus die; only as God could His death atone for the sins of the world
Paul’s Explanation in Romans
- The Gospel centers around the unique identity of Jesus
- He was both a descendant of David (human) and proven to be the Son of God by His resurrection
The Significance of Jesus’ Temptations
- Jesus’ temptations were unique to His identity as both God and man
- While His tests were specific to Him, they reflect the same areas of human temptation
Jesus as Our Sympathetic High Priest
- Jesus can sympathize with human weaknesses because He was fully man and was tempted
- His unique position as God and man allows Him to provide supernatural help
Jesus as an Example for How to Live
- Jesus serves as a model for routine godliness and daily faithfulness
- His humanity provides an example, and His divinity empowers believers to follow Him
Power in Jesus’ Example and Life
- If Jesus were only man, His example would lack power; if He were only God, we would lack an example
- His dual nature enables believers to live godly lives
- Dr. Ryrie reaffirms that the most important thing about Jesus is who He is: the God-man
- The Gospel and the power of salvation rest on His identity as both God and man
*The above summary is AI-generated, so discrepancies may exist. Please refer to the audio or video file to verify accuracy.