Bib Sac Opens Book Review Archives

Bibliotheca Sacra, the theological journal of Dallas Theological Seminary, is opening its archive of reviews in honor of longtime editor Dr. Roy B. Zuck.
Dr. Zuck went to be with the Lord on March 16, 2013, after serving as senior editor of Bibliotheca Sacra since 1986. One of the last projects he oversaw was giving the public greater access to the journal's vast collection of reviews by DTS faculty.
The searchable archives contain both academic reviews from Bibliotheca Sacra as well as popular reviews from Kindred Spirit, the Seminary's magazine. Visitors will find a growing collection of more than 500 reviews of recent books, articles, and software, on topics ranging from Biblical word studies to hot-button social issues.
Dr. Zuck joined the editorial staff of Bibliotheca Sacra soon after starting his teaching career at DTS in 1973. He retired from teaching in 1996 as senior professor of Bible Exposition but continued to oversee Bibliotheca Sacra until his death. It is the Seminary's hope that making these reviews available online will honor Dr. Zuck's scholarly legacy and continue his vision of equipping believers with knowledge and wisdom.