Chinese Online Program Offers Flexibility in Ministry Training
On May 8, 2010, Dallas Theological Seminary was pleased to recognize the first graduating class of our Online Chinese Program. These seven Chinese students from different professions and walks of life began their studies with the goal of learning the Bible and theology better, so that they could serve their Chinese brothers and sisters more effectively. The Online Chinese Program provided a great foundation do just that, all without requiring these students to leave China.
Gary Chan gave up a successful career in industrial management when he felt God’s calling into full time ministry. Having spent a "long" four years overseas for his undergraduate degree, he knew that if he had to go overseas again for his theological education, it would mean at least another four years away from his church where he serves in a leadership role. He enrolled in the Online Chinese Program in 2006 and successfully completed it this past spring. Gary currently serves as a pastor of a local church in Hong Kong.
The excitement for the Chinese C.G.S. does not stop with the graduates. Our Chinese students continue to enjoy the value of a DTS education completed through a flexible online program that allows them to stay with their families, grow in their ministries, and be a light for Jesus Christ in their communities.
Kuang Ching is using his training from DTS to serve in ways he never imagined. Doing evangelistic outreach ministries in various parts of Thailand, leading teams in earthquake or flood emergency relief works, would not have been in Kuang’s mind 15 years ago. God miraculously turned his spiritually-broken life around, and as a result, Kuang is now deeply involved in telling people that God can do the same for them. After completing his studies at a local seminary,he is now enrolled in the Online Chinese program, which allows him to continue to serve in his home church.
From a very young age, Charles Yu had a heart for serving God in a full time capacity. After graduating from college with a degree in philosophy, he pursued a master degree at a local seminary while working part time at his home church. This allowed him to maintain a connection with the church while studying. Charles is now an eager DTS student. The Online Chinese Program affords him an opportunity to study “abroad” while still remain deeply involved locally in his community and church.
These are just a few of the inspiring stories of DTS students and alumni teaching truth and loving well.
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