DTS Celebrates Nearly 400 New Graduates

View commencement event photos on DTS's Facebook page. Please tag your graduate and leave an encouraging comment.
Commencement weekend kicked off with a special chapel service held at Scofield Memorial Church Friday morning. In the evening graduates and their guests gathered on campus to party Texas-style. Faculty served up plates of barbecue, baked beans, and peach cobler while a rag-time band led by Chaplain Bill filled the air with music.
Video of Commencement Chapel Service on May 10th
On Saturday, Dallas Theological Seminary celebrated God's faithful work in the lives of nearly 400 new graduates at commencement exercises held at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
Using Joshua 1:7-9 and Ephesians 2:10 as the guiding Scripture passages for the ceremony, the Class of 2013 was reminded to be strong and courageous in their future ministy.
“Finishing seminary means the beautiful end of a long journey – and the continuation of a bigger one! My hope for the graduating class comes from Philippians 1:27. Nothing would bring me more joy than to know that, whenever I am in touch again with a brother or sister from DTS, we continue on the same mission of advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world.”
—Christopher (Kit) Bogan, graduating class president
Video of Commencement Ceremony on May 11th
Kelly Shackelford, president and CEO of Liberty Institute, delivered the commencement address, exhorting the graduates to strengthen their commitment to Jesus and remain bold when facing adversity in ministry.
Towards the end of his address Shackelford exhorted the graduates to step-up into their role as Christian leaders by resolving to pursue and serve Jesus faithfully knowing that adversity is never far away from those who follow Christ.
Mr. Shackelford is a constitutional scholar and a recipient of the prestigious William Bentley Ball Award for Life and Religious Freedom Defense for his leadership and pioneering work protecting religious freedom.
All of DTS's degree programs were represented in this graduation class:
- Master of Arts – 187 graduates
- Certificate of Biblical and Theological Studies/Chinese Certificate of Graduate Studies – 38
- Master of Theology (ThM) – 124
- Doctor of Ministry (DMin) – 19, including one from the Spanish-language program in Guatemala City
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – 10
- Master of Sacred Theology – 5
For the names of all of the graduates, as well as a list of special honors and awards, see the commencement program.