DTS President Announces New Initiatives
Dear Students, Staff, Faulty, and Friends,
Welcome to another exciting semester at DTS! I pray you are well and ready to study.
In response to the changing needs of our student body and in anticipation of great ministry opportunities ahead, I am happy to announce several new initiatives that have come to fruition and are now in effect:
Advising Center
In order to serve you better, representatives of all major student-centered departments (e.g., Registrar, Financial Aid, Business Office, Student Services, etc.) can now be found in one location in the Advising Center (AC). The AC offers a "one-stop-shop" for students at its office on the first floor of the Walvoord Student Center. If you need help from a distance, the AC stands ready to assist all students (External Education, Online, etc.). Find out more at dts.edu/advising
Customizable Th.M. Emphases
Pursue your passions through one of 30+ new Th.M. emphases. From Apologetics—to Jesus Studies—to Urban Ministries, the new Th.M. emphases offer greater flexibility AND focus on the areas of scholarship and ministry that you love. Find out more at dts.edu/emphasis
Master of Arts in Christian Leadership
Leading this generation and the next requires leadership training adaptive to diverse situations. The NEW Master of Arts in Christian Leadership was designed with this in mind. The M.A./CL, offered in a convenient format for students on the move and studying at a distance, is for those who plan to assume roles in a ministry or marketplace setting where leadership-oriented skills are primary and teaching is more secondary. Find out more at dts.edu/macl
12-Hour Ministry Residence
Maximize your time and service. Earn up to 12 hours of credit toward your M.A./CL or Th.M. degree through your current ministry or marketplace work. This ministry residency program is customized to your current ministry context and offers students a unique way to develop specific ministry and professional goals. Find out more at dts.edu/mr
DTS-Houston Degree Additions
Houston's multi-ethnic growth has provided a diverse student base at the Houston campus. To address this growing and unique population, DTS-Houston has added three new degrees to complement its current offerings. The M.A./CM (Cross-cultural Ministry), M.A./CL (Christian Leadership) and the D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) can now be earned entirely at the Houston Campus. Find out more at dts.edu/houston
Please join me in praying for the success of these advances at DTS, so that we can continue to accomplish our mission to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of His Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.
Have a great semester and beginning of a new academic year.
Mark L. Bailey