Logo Bible Series X Scholar's Library Software Review
Logos Bible Software Series X
Scholar's Library
Libronix Digital Library System
(Retail cost, $599.95*)
The earlist computer programs for Bible study were mainly electronic concordances, which enabled the user to locate words and phrases quickly in the Bible by carrying out electronic searches (something a computer does well). The dream, however, was to have a fully functional electronic library that would fulfill one's total research and study needs and could be carried around on a laptop. With the latest offering from Logos Research Systems that dream has finally come true.
Logos Bible Software Series X is built on the Libronix Digital Library System, a technology used to deliver digital libraries of books and interactive study tools. It fully integrates web technology, including an interface using Microsoft Internet Explorer (upgrades and downloads are Internet-enabled as well). This package features over 230 reference tools and other works, including original-language Bible texts, Greek and Hebrew lexicons, and grammatical resources. Many practical tools for busy pastors are also included.
The user interface radically distinguishes Logos Bible Software Series X from other Bible software programs. It is launched from a familiar web-style home page, giving the user fully automated access to the most frequently used texts and study tools. The Passage Guide lays out commentaries and cross-references on a passage. The Word Study Guide provides a context-sensitive report of all the lexical data available, including Strong's numbers and the ability to generate Englishman's Concordance in real time for each Greek or Hebrew word. The Exegetical Guide provides a similar report, but integrates a gloss (translation) as well as parsing information for each Greek or Hebrew term. All of this is generated automatically with only a couple of mouse clicks. These guides represent the main study tools, but Logos Bible Software Series X is packed with others as well: customized prayer and Bible reading lists, a feature that compares parallel Bible versions, topic and reference browsers, and the ability to add your own customized notes.
Over 2,250 additional titles from more than 100 publishers are available for purchase in the Logos Bible Software Series X format. These include the updated Theological Journals Library from Galaxie Software, the new third edition of Bauer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (BDAG), the Hebrew-Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament from Brill, the Word Biblical Commentary, the New American Commentary, and (recently announced) the Life Application Commentary, as well as many others. With this program one can truly create a digital research library for Bible study and exegesis on a laptop computer.
Logos Bible Software Series X represents a significant leap forward in electronic Bible study technology, although the native Greek and Hebrew interfaces as well as the search engine's original languages capability could be improved somewhat. Such development work is currently in process, according to the manufacturer.
Overall Logos Bible Software Series X Scholar's Library delivers all that it promises and more as a digital library system. It is an essential ministry tool for busy pastors and scholars alike.
—Dr. W. Hall Harris (ThM, 1978), professor of New Testament studies, with Matt Blackmon (ThM, 2001), who holds a master's degree in computer science.
About the Contributors

W. Hall Harris
A DTS faculty member for over forty years, Dr. Harris has worked extensively on the Gospel of John, and now collaborates with faculty from other departments teaching courses on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, science fiction, and the intersection of theology and technology. His late wife was a native of Germany, and he worked closely with the German Bible Society (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft) as lead editor of the New English Translation— Novum Testamentum Graece New Testament. Since 1995, Dr. Harris has served as Project Director and Managing Editor of The NET Bible (New English Translation), the first modern Bible translation to be published freely on the internet (netbible.org). He has served as both translator and General Editor for The Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament: SBL Edition, and General Editor and NT translator for the Lexham English Bible (LEB). Dr. Harris serves on the board of directors of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM.org), and as an ordained minister, he has served in various churches as pastor of single adults, elder, adult Sunday school teacher, and small group leader.