Small but Significant
Psalm 8 opens (v.1) and closes (v. 9) in a doxology of praise to the Lord. The entire psalm is one of David’s, and it is a beautifully packed recognition of God’s glory. In the heart of the psalm (vv. 3–4) the sky-gazing shepherd asks the Lord a question: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?”
It’s an amazing and truthful question—and one that we’ve all asked from time to time. When measured by the universe, what do we humans possess that would cause the Creator to give us more than a passing thought?
We praise God for His grace that grants us more significance than the grandest canyon or the greatest sea. We as God’s creatures bear His image and are called to share His reign. What David voiced in his psalm we can echo. God designed us for His destiny. What a staggering thought!
Just as the details of Creation were important to God, so are
the details of our lives. And those details should be important to us too.
In this issue of Kindred Spirit we see that God concerns Himself with everything from our prayers to our speech to our spiritual significance. The Creator God establishes parameters for His
creatures but remembers that we are but dust (Ps. 103:14).
Left on our own, we could become distraught by the magnitude
of detailed obedience. Yet He who spun the stars also spurs us on to good works and obedience through the power of His Spirit.
That is the point: we are not alone. And though we are small, He is big. We are weak, but He is strong. He indwells us. Everything—even the small concerns of our lives—hinges on God being the Sovereign One. Through His grace He grants us life itself—and the power not only to live it abundantly, but also with evidence of His majesty from our answered prayers to the twinkling stars.
Let’s join the psalmist and sing: “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!”
About the Contributors
Mark L. Bailey
Dr. Bailey assumed the role of DTS Chancellor after serving for 19 years as the Seminary’s fifth President, and continues his role as Sr. Professor in the Bible Exposition department. In addition to his years at Dallas Theological Seminary, he has pastored various churches in Arizona and Texas. He was a seminar instructor for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries for twenty years and is in demand for Bible conferences and other preaching engagements all over the country and world. His overseas ministries have included Venezuela, Argentina, Hungary, and China. He is also a regular tour leader in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Rome. His board service includes Bible Study Fellowship, Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, and Word of Life.