Th.M. Graduate Receives Purple Heart
DTS would like to congratulate former Army Captain Travis Moen of Plano, Texas, who received the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Iraq in 2007. Travis served with the 1st Cavalry Division for nearly 4 years on active duty as an Armor officer and deployed as a tank platoon leader with the from October 2006 to January 2008 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. While attending DTS he served with the 807th Medical Deployment Support Command for nearly 2 years in the Army Reserves as a Chaplain Candidate.
Read Travis's Purple Heart story
Travis graduated this May with the Master of Theology degree and recieved the Pastoral Ministries award. After graduation Travis, his wife Kim, and their one-month old daughter, Julie, are moving to Dighton, Kansas (a small town in western Kansas), where Travis will serve as the pastor of Bible Fellowship Church.
Travis orginally came to DTS to be an Army Chaplain, but during his time in seminary God directed him into pastoral ministry. He says, "DTS has given me a set of tools that I can use for a lifetime of Christian ministry. My studies here helped me understand the essential doctrines of Christianity and given me ideas as to how I can incorporate those truths into my ministry. I've also learned the importance of people, and how I must make my ministry relevant to their lives so that the truth of God can meet them where they are."