Into Something Rich and Strange: Practicing Love in Listening
Jason Cook, poet and current student at DTS, introduces Arts Week 2018 with a poetry slam, highlighting his calling as a preacher and a poet.
About the Contributors

Jason Cook
Jason Cook is a poet and storyteller in the ThM Media Arts Emphasis at Dallas Theological Seminary. Before coming to DTS, he spent 8 years practicing architecture. Much of that time he also served as a youth pastor. As a student at DTS, he has developed a growing interest in the issues of racial discrimination, biblical lament, compassion, and cross-cultural reconciliation. As an artist whose primary medium is the spoken word, he has been especially drawn to the theological significance of speaking and hearing.

W. Hall Harris
A DTS faculty member for over forty years, Dr. Harris has worked extensively on the Gospel of John, and now collaborates with faculty from other departments teaching courses on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, science fiction, and the intersection of theology and technology. His late wife was a native of Germany, and he worked closely with the German Bible Society (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft) as lead editor of the New English Translation— Novum Testamentum Graece New Testament. Since 1995, Dr. Harris has served as Project Director and Managing Editor of The NET Bible (New English Translation), the first modern Bible translation to be published freely on the internet ( He has served as both translator and General Editor for The Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament: SBL Edition, and General Editor and NT translator for the Lexham English Bible (LEB). Dr. Harris serves on the board of directors of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (, and as an ordained minister, he has served in various churches as pastor of single adults, elder, adult Sunday school teacher, and small group leader.