A Testimony of Loving Well
Join long-time friends and colleges and they share an encouraging story of support through challenging times.
About the Contributors

Gregory A. Hatteberg
Before joining the faculty, Dr. Hatteberg worked in recruitment at Moody Bible Institute and at DTS in the offices of the Academic Dean, Advancement, Placement, and Admissions. The former youth pastor is an instructor for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries and especially enjoys teaching Physical and Historical Geography of Israel, Christian Marriage and Family, and Rapid Reading. Based on his experiences in Israel, he has been a licensed tour guide for Israel and coauthored The Christian Traveler’s Guide to the Holy Land. Dr. Hatteberg grew up on the prairies of Illinois and still loves the farming life. He also enjoys golf, a good game of pool, a few licks on the harmonica, but most of all being “Papa” to his family and grandbabies.

Joe M. Allen Jr.
Dr. Allen earned his Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1988 and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1994. He has been pastoring for over 30 years, mainly in Georgia, his home state. His high school sweetheart, and wife for over 40 years, Lindsey teaches 5th grade at First Baptist Academy. The Allens have two married children and two grandchildren. Both of their children serve in vocational Christian ministry. Joe currently serves as our Campus Pastor at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Stephen J. Bramer
Dr. Bramer taught for 16 years at Briercrest Bible College and at Briercrest Biblical Seminary in Saskatchewan, Canada, before joining the faculty of DTS. He also has enjoyed a variety of other ministries such as teaching elder, youth pastor, and pulpit supply throughout Canada and the United States. He serves as an adjunct professor for Word of Life Bible Institute, Hungary; Briercrest Seminary, Canada; as well as at the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS) in Jordan. He is a teaching pastor at Waterbrook Bible Fellowship and travels yearly to Israel and Jordan. Stephen and his wife, Sharon, enjoy visiting their three married children and nine grandchildren who live in three different countries.