Becoming God’s Groupies – Josh Winn
Dr. Josh Winn is the Vice President for Communications and Community. Today he shares from 1 Corinthians 3:5-9, that to build up the church and tear down the factions that form around successful ministry leaders, Jesus’ disciples declare their allegiance to the source of all ministry growth.
About the Contributors

Josh Winn
Josh Winn serves as Executive Assistant to the President and Director of Institutional Initiatives and Research. In addition to supporting the president, he helps coordinate the Seminary’s strategic planning efforts, serves as an extension of the president to the Board and DTS employees, and develops and oversees a wide range of projects of the Office of the President. Josh joined the DTS team in 2005. Before assuming his current role, he served in several areas at DTS, including Web Development, Communications, and the Office of Academic Affairs.
For nearly 25 years, Josh has been active in theological education, preaching, local church leadership, and missions. His parents, particularly his pastor-professor father (himself a DTS grad), fostered this love for ministry. Josh holds a BS in Speech Communication from Northern Arizona University and a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is currently a PhD candidate in Theological Studies at DTS. His research interests include the history of biblical interpretation, theological method, and bibliology.
Aside from knowing and being known by Jesus Christ, the highlight of Josh’s life is his family. He has been married to Ariella for nearly twenty years. They have four teenage children—Eden, Ruby, Judah, and Asher—and three dogs. They reside in Rowlett, Texas.