Dealing with Other’s Success
Dr. Timothy Ateek serves as Elder and Lead Pastor of Vision & Preaching at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas. This evening he shares from 1 Samuel 18:1-16 a message about how we handle other people’s success reveals what we truly believe about God and His will for us.
About the Contributors

Timothy Ateek
Dr. Timothy Ateek also known as “TA” is a Texas A&M graduate, earned his MACE from DTS, and earned a Doctor of Educational Ministry from Southern Baptist Seminary. TA was the Executive Director of Breakaway Ministries in College Station before moving to Dallas to serve as a Teaching Pastor at Watermark Community Church.
TA considers the best decision of his life, next to following Jesus, to be marrying his wife Kathryn. Together they are raising three future Aggies: Noah, Andrew and Jake. He spends his free time training to become the G.O.A.T. in tennis. He loves teaching the Word of God and considers it an amazing privilege to teach it to those who will treasure it and seek to live it out.