Good Debt – Pastor Gaylon Clark
Pastor Gaylon Clark, Lead Pastor of Greater Mt.Zion Church of Austin; Austin, TX shares from Romans 13:8-10 that there is such thing as “Good Debt”.
When our work speaks louder than anything we have to say, love is a collective voice by which we bring the presence of God to our culture.
About the Contributors

Gaylon Clark
Gaylon Clark has had the joy of spending 32 years with the gentlest soul on the planet, Kathy Clark. They have one adult son, Michael, who lives in San Antonio, Texas. To this small nuclear family God has added a large family of faith: Greater Mt. Zion Church of Austin, Texas. Pastor Clark has served Greater as Lead Pastor for 21 years and sees pastoring there as his life’s work. In college he dreamed of pastoring one church his whole life. God is turning this dream into reality. Under his leadership Greater Mt. Zion has grown to over 3000 members; adopted 8 Great Causes that address the hurts and pains of urban people; started Greater Food Pantry and Greater Hope clothing pantry; expanded the Community Assistance Center to assist those experiencing financial crisis; built a medical clinic in Kitale, Kenya; invest monthly in the Kariobangi Baptist School located in the Korogocho slums of Nairobi, Kenya; and completed the construction of a new 1200 seat worship center in November 2016. Gaylon leading Greater to actively fulfill the Great Commission through partnering with other likeminded churches in the Austin area. Life-oriented expository preaching, small group communities, mentoring and teaching men, and city transformation are his passions. “Life is about relationships…the rest is just details.” This quote by Gary Smalley summarizes for Pastor Clark a biblical view of life, ministry and evangelism. He is a graduate of Dallas Baptist University and Dallas Theological Seminary.