In Christ Alone
Dr. Brian Fisher is the Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church located in College Station. Today he shares from Colossians 1 what we must long for and need is found in Christ Alone.
About the Contributors

Dr. Brian Fisher
Dr. Brian Fisher is the Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church, a multi-site church in College Station, Texas, where he has served for over 30 years. Brian graduated from Texas A&M in 1987 with a B.S. in economics and a minor in Spanish. He went on to graduate from Dallas Theological Seminary with both a Master of Theology degree and Doctor of Ministry degree. Brian currently serves on the Board of Incorporate Members for DTS. He and his wife, Tristie, have been married for 28 years. They have two children – Ben (23) and AnnaJoy (20).
Brian enjoys reading all types of literature and loves all sports, including such diverse endeavors as table tennis, hockey, rock climbing and golf. He fins deep refreshment through being active in God’s glorious creation.
Calling: to invest my life in helping others discover and grow in their God-given callings.