Lessons from the Burning Bush
Rev. Christopher Moore, senior pastor at New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Houston, TX, affirms how a true encounter with God qualifies the call to ministry.
About the Contributors

Christopher C. Moore
Rev. Christopher C. Moore, native of San Augustine, TX serves as the Senior Pastor of the New Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Houston, TX. He matriculated to Austin College in Sherman, TX, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. After returning to his hometown to teach and coach at his alma mater for two years, he enrolled at Dallas Theological Seminary, where he received a Master of Arts degree in Christian Education. He received the degree and title of Doctor of Divinity from Saint Thomas Christian University. He accepted his call into the gospel ministry in August 2006 under Rev. George Cartwright of the Mt. Horeb Baptist Church, who ordained Christopher in July 2011. He also served as Youth Pastor of the Mt. Tabor Baptist Church of Dallas, TX, under Dr. Stephen C. Nash, Sr. At 30, Christopher was sent to lead New Mount Calvary. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and his powerful preaching and teaching, the membership continues to grow spiritually and numerically. Under his leadership, the Intercessory Prayer, Health and Wellness, Grief, EMERGE (Young Adults) and ROCS Ministry (Reaching Out To College Students) Ministries were organized. Pastor Moore’s lifelong mission is to introduce Christ to those that don’t know Him and enhance the lives of those that do know Him.