Tears and the Mission of God – Christy Allen
Christy Allen, Assistant Professor of Ministry to Women at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, speaks from Psalm 126 reminding us that the Great Commandment and the Great Commission involve tears.
About the Contributors

Christy Allen
Christy, the oldest of 5 siblings, grew up as a pastor’s kid and later a missionary kid in the Philippines. Her passion for teaching the Bible and connecting deeply with women led her to earn a Master of Religious Education from Jacksonville Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.
She and her husband served as missionaries in South Asia for 14 years. During her time in South Asia, she developed a multi-sensory evangelism and discipleship curriculum while hosting conferences for women. She also wrote and translated two books on the sanctity of life, “Why Choose Life” and “Every Life is Valuable.” She received extensive training in trauma healing and worked with many trafficked, abused, and oppressed women.
Christy and her family moved to Kansas City this summer when her husband Joe became the missions professor at Midwestern Seminary. She will also teach a missions and evangelism course for the Midwestern Women’s Institute. Joe & Christy have a daughter named Claire and 12 year old son named Joe.