WEC: The Calling of Every Believer
Dr. Chris McGuffey, pastor of Ministry Strategies at Grace Bible Church in College Station, TX, opens World Evangelization Conference with a message about every believer's participation in the Great commission.
About the Contributors
Chris McGuffey
Dr. Chris McGuffey (better known as Guff) is a former DTS graduate in the class of 1993, and spent the better part of his former career with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) overseas helping to pioneer campus ministries in creative access countries. Having helped raise indigenous staff in the former Soviet Union, East Asia and Greece, Guff’s academic interests led him to complete his doctoral work in Strategic Leadership in 2013. Guff now serves as the Pastor of Ministry Strategies at Grace Bible Church, where he has the privilege of investing in the development of key ministry leaders, helping to formulate church-wide strategies for discipleship and engagement, and piloting a church planting residency. He has been married to his wife Amy for 25 years and has three Texas Aggies (simultaneously!).