Revelation: Unlocking the Future
Previously published under the title Approaching Armageddon this slightly revised and reworded edition is the first volume in the Twenty-first Century Biblical Commentary series being produced under the general editorship of Hindson and Mal Couch, founder and president of Tyndale Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. The organization of this volume is dictated by the natural divisions of the Book of Revelation.
Especially helpful is the introduction entitled “Keys to Unlocking the Future” (pp. 1–15). An example of the minor revisions in the book is the title of the section called “The Last Jihad” (pp. 110–11), a word not in popular use before September 11, 2001. The author’s interpretive position is pretribulational dispensationalism, which places the translation of the church to heaven just before the Tribulation (pp. 56–57).
An outstanding feature of the volume is the listing of a group of study questions at the close of each chapter (eleven questions in most lists). Another helpful feature is a brief preview at the beginning of each chapter. In addition, scattered throughout the volume are lists and charts that relate interpretive details of the Old Testament to the Book of Revelation.
This volume provides an excellent explanation of the Book of the Revelation for personal or group study. It underscores the fact that this final book of the Bible is indeed the Revelation.