This is one of four out-of-print books on prophecy by John Walvoord (president of Dallas Seminary from 1952 to 1996) that are now being updated and being brought back into print. Two of the four have been published: Revelation (2011) and Daniel (2012), and Matthew and The Thessalonian Epistles are scheduled for a later date. Dyer and Rawley, this volume’s editors, were students of Dr. Walvoord at Dallas Seminary.
This revised edition is based on the English Standard Version, whereas the original version of 1971 was based on the King James Version. Five charts have been added: “The Names of Daniel and His Three Companions” (p. 42); Nebuchadnezzar’s ‘Second Year’ (Daniel 2:1)” (p. 60); “The Musical Instruments of Daniel 3” (p. 104); “Chart of the 69 ‘Weeks’” (p. 280); and “The Panorama of World Leaders in Daniel 11” (pp. 322–27). Twelve figures are included on pages 78, 106, 134, 148, 174, 186, 190, 192, 194, 197, 225, and 227.
Occasionally a paragraph from the 1971 edition is omitted (e.g., a long quotation by Keil on p. 38; another long quotation by Keil on pp. 51–52; the first paragraph on p. 47; a long quotation by King on pp. 71–72: and paragraph 2 on p. 75). Also new material is sometimes added to the new edition. Examples include the full paragraph on page 58 about the chiastic structure of chapters 2–7; five paragraphs on pages 58–59 on the alleged problem about the “second year” of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign; Josephus’s interpretation of 2:36–45 (pp. 90–91); a paragraph on the relationship between chapters 2 and 3 (pp. 98–99); a quotation by Dyer on the five ranks of officials under Nebuchadnezzar (p. 102); an expanded discussion of the musical instruments mentioned in Daniel 3 (p. 105); a two-page discussion of decrees issued by Persians in reference to Jerusalem (pp. 275–76); and an excursis (sic) on the prophecy of the “seventy weeks” (pp. 291–95).
Some paragraphs in the 1971 edition are shortened or divided into two; past tense verbs are used rather than the present tense; some sentences are altered slightly to make for smoother reading; and endnotes follow each chapter rather than being given at the end of the book.
These editorial changes do not alter the strength of the book; in fact they enhance it. Walvoord’s conservative theological position has been carefully preserved, and his premillennial position remains untouched and clear in this updated version. Readers of this volume will have the benefit of Walvoord’s original research on this book along with editorial updates by two of his former students. This book will stand as one of the best works on this prophetic book in print today.
Moody Publishers is to be commended for reintroducing Walvoord’s four expositional books on prophecy, including this helpful commentary on the book of Daniel.