Scripture: John 16

Apologetics and Legacy of Norman Geisler
In this episode Darrell Bock and David Geisler discuss the growing need for apologetics in culture…

Why Do People Leave the Church?
In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario and John Marriott discuss deconversion, focusing how individuals lose their…

Seven Ways to Love One Another…Even in an Election Year
Although in Christ we are one body, sometimes we don’t behave that way on the internet,…

Persecution: The New Normal
As a new believer in high school, I fell in love with Jesus and began to…

Captives Living in Liberty: Persecuted But Not Abandoned
The world couldn’t look away. Twenty-one men stood on a Libyan beach, hands bound behind their…

It All Depends on How You See It
Dr. Linda Marten, Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, proposes how a personal view of life is…

Insights in Revelation: Messages from a Majestic Savior
Think before answering this question: If Jesus Christ Himself were to show up in your church…

I Never Thought I'd See the Day: When Atheists Would Be Angry
Chapter 1: When Atheists Would Be Angry On May 15, 2007, Jerry Falwell, one of our…

Prayers That God Answers
At times our prayers can feel like helium balloons that disappear into the sky, and we…

Forget Me Not: Caring for God's Aging Children
The setting is pleasant indeed—the billowing fields and meadows of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. From the upper…

Traveling Mercies
MerciesAs I was growing up, almost every trip my family took together, whether to Grandmother's house…

When You Don’t Fit In Because of Your Faith: An Exposition of 1 Peter
Some persecutions that come to Christians are rather intense. Saints in years past—and increasing numbers in…