Scripture: Luke 14

Loving Christ Best – Dr. Mark Bailey
Dr. Mark Bailey is the Chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary as well as a Senior Professor…

The First Principle of Money Management
When an American Christian began training pastors on Mt. Elgon in Kenya about ten years ago,…

Jesus Values Business
In this excerpt from his book, Living into the Life of Jesus, Dr. Klaus Issler explores…

The New Community's Ethic
In this excerpt from A Theology of Luke and Acts, Dr. Darrell L. Bock describes how…

Living Into the Life of Jesus
Excerpt from Living into the Life of Jesus By Dr. Klauss Issler Exemplary Jesus-Practices About Money…

Senior Preaching Week: Let Go of the Good Life
Travis Moen, Senior Preacher, DTS, explains why we must let go of our good lives in…

Make a Name for Jesus
Dr. Sue Edwards, Associate Professor of Christian Education, encourages us to make a name for Jesus…

Youth Week
Dr. Jay Strack, President, Student Leadership University, Orlando, FL, encourages us to swim with the sharks…

Good Migrations? A Conversation about Emigrating
An interview with Dr. Michael Pocock, who emigrated from the UK to the US in his…

Good Migrations?: Immigration Q&A with Dr. Michael Pocock
As immigration policy continues to be a hotly debated issue, read as Dr. Michael Pocock, Senior…

Jesus and the Fifth Commandment
Where does the Fifth Commandment fit in Jesus' teachings? For many, the Lord's words in Luke…

The DNA of a Disciple
How can we know if we are the kind of disciples Jesus wants us to be?…