Scripture: Matthew 5

A Candle in the Dark
As believers, we are to shine so others can see.

A Candle in the Dark
As believers, we are to shine so others can see.

A Good Word: ὀφθαλμός “eye”
Isn’t it interesting that we often ignore the importance of our body parts when they are…

A Good Word: ἐλπίς “hope” (in 1 Peter 3:15)
1 Peter 3:15 is a well-known verse. It often appears in Bible memory verse packets. While…

A Good Word: חסה – To take shelter
It was the most important day of my life. Though it was over 60 years ago,…

A Good Word: κύριος — Lord
The title “Lord” (κύριος) is rather innocuous today. We apply this title to anything resembling authority.…

A Good Word: πιστός – Faithful
Memories from my childhood bring a mix of emotions. My parents divorced when I was five,…

A Good Word: χάρις – Grace
Matthew 18:23–35 recounts one of Jesus’s well-known parables in which a servant, after being forgiven an…

A Good Word: υἱοθεσία – Adoption
Many people have personal experience with adoption–either as an adopter, an adoptee or knowing someone who…

The Salt and Light Factor
Early in his Gospel, Matthew chronicles the peaceful seaside scene of Christ’s first sermon. Spread across…

Salt and Light: The Penetrating Influence of Character
You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world… let your…

The Clapham Sect: The Power of "We" Instead of "Me"
You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill cannot be hidden.…

Witnessing & Waiting
The Bible calls believers to be salt and light to a world that hasn’t yet met…

A Good Word: ἀγαθός – Good
In an encounter recorded in the Gospels, a wealthy man met Jesus on the road and,…

Sabbath for your Soul
In this episode, Kasey Olander, Shawn Shannon, and Sten-Erik Armitage discuss the beauty of Sabbath and…

Loving Well Through Our Witness: 1 Peter 2:11-12
Recent issues of DTS Magazine reminded us how to engage wisely with outsiders of the faith…

Barnabas: A Timeless Example of How to Love Well
Influence matters. It happens all the time and all around us. It’s not a question of…

Why Theology Needs Disability
Abstract This article explores the emerging field of theology and disability studies, beginning with an introduction…

A Biblical View of Sex, Love, and Marriage
In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Dr. Sean McDowell discuss a biblical perspective of sex,…

Blessed are the Meek
Dr. Nathan Smith, senior pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA, takes a look at…

Shrimp Leadership and Other Lessons from Mamá
Many people have come to believe that leadership is about changing the world and only rare…

Faith in the Spotlight
In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Megan Alexander discuss thriving in your career while staying…

God's Creative Vision
From the very beginning, we see God’s artistry—in the act of creation—creating ex nihilo, out of…

Ministry in the Workplace
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Elaine Kung discuss Faith and work, focusing on her…