Scripture: Proverbs 14

Glass-walled entry and steps of Horner Administration Building

A Prayer and a Plea for Our Nation

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people (Proverbs 14:34, nasb). As we…
June 4, 2020

Fighting Human Trafficking in America – Classic

In this episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Mike Bartel discuss the fight against human trafficking…
August 29, 2017

Fighting Human Trafficking in America

In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Mike Bartel discuss the fight against human trafficking in…
January 26, 2016

Living Into the Life of Jesus

Excerpt from Living into the Life of Jesus By Dr. Klauss Issler Exemplary Jesus-Practices About Money…
June 1, 2012

I Never Thought I'd See the Day: When Atheists Would Be Angry

Chapter 1: When Atheists Would Be Angry On May 15, 2007, Jerry Falwell, one of our…
February 13, 2012

Hurry Up and… Wait

WAITING IS DIFFICULT, ISN’T IT? You drive up to the window at Wendy’s, but a number…
July 7, 2006

In The Word

Whether dealing with greed or generosity, laziness or work, the Bible has a lot to say…
July 7, 2006

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