Scripture: Psalm 51

Christopher Yuan recording The Table podcast

Coming Out, Sexual Identity, and the Gospel

In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock and Christopher Yuan discuss how Christians can effectively and…
October 8, 2019

From a Position of Brokenness

Throughout my life, pride has plagued me. It often shadows and colors my thoughts, ambitions, dreams,…
March 29, 2019

How Corporate Worship Strengthens Weary Saints

When my church gathers, it appears we have little in common. Our skin colors vary. Our…
March 7, 2018

When the Bottom Drops Out: Finding Grace in the Depths of Disappointment

Chapter 1: Truths in the Night A couple of months after Carol [my wife] died, I…
February 20, 2012

Cloning, Stem-Cell Research and the Bible

THE GENETIC REVOLUTION MAY HAVE BEGUN in the twentieth century, but its impact will be felt…
July 7, 2006

In The Word

Whether dealing with greed or generosity, laziness or work, the Bible has a lot to say…
July 7, 2006

Gauges and Blinking Lights: Warnings Signs for Christians

Are any lights blinking on your personal dashboard? Especially if yours is a leadership role in…
July 7, 2006

Seven Insider Tips for Pioneer Parents

Mary DeMuth, author of Building the Christian Home You Never Had, provides seven tips for pioneer…
July 7, 2006

Worship in the Wilderness

The Christian life is hardly a state of being downright happy all the time. In fact…
July 7, 2006

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