Innovative Apologetics for Gen Z

In this episode, Kasey Olander and Mary Jo Sharp discuss various characteristics of Generation Z and ways the Church can engage and encourage them in the faith.

About the Contributors

Kasey Olander

Kasey Olander works as the Web Content Specialist at The Hendricks Center at DTS. Originally from the Houston area, she graduated from The University of Texas at Dallas with a bachelor’s degree in Arts & Technology. She served on staff with the Baptist Student Ministry, working with college students at UT Dallas and Rice University, particularly focusing on discipleship and evangelism training. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, having interesting conversations, and spending time with her husband. 

Mary Jo Sharp

Mary Jo Sharp is the founder of Confident Christianity, an apologetics ministry. Mary Jo is a former atheist from the Pacific Northwest who thought religion was for the weak-minded. She now holds a Masters in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Professor Sharp currently teaches at Houston Baptist University in the School of Christian Thought.