Topic: leadership


The Ability to Apologize

Dr. Andi Thacker, professor of Biblical Counseling, encourages listeners toward leadership that mirror empathy, compassion, and…
October 2, 2021

All “leadership” Content

Job's Advice to a Seminary Student

Dr. Charles Swindoll, chancellor of Dallas Seminary, describes the five critical lessons God taught Job, which we…
September 2, 2003

Preach the Word

The late Dr. John Walvoord discusses what make a preacher effective.
August 3, 2002

The Place of Prayer in Our Leadership

Dr. Charles Stanley describes the vital part prayer plays in the life and ministry of the…
July 7, 2000

Feeding and Leading

Dr. Warren Wiersbe offers a commencement address that draws attention to the main responsibilities of a…
July 4, 2000

Apples of Gold

Pete Briscoe shares the importance of listening to the right people at the right time.
August 1, 1999

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