Dr. Todd Phillips' Goal to Provide Clean Drinking Water to Liberia
About the Contributors

Todd Phillips
Todd Phillips, the visionary Founder and Executive Director of The Last Well, is passionate about eradicating water borne illness in Liberia and sharing the Gospel with every village that is transformed through the provision clean drinking water by the year 2020. After a radical conversion experience at age 24, Todd devoted the next 20 years to reaching primarily young adults around the world with the life-transforming message of Jesus Christ as an evangelist and pastor. Fifteen of those years were spent serving as pastor to four young adult focused, evangelistic ministries: Austin Metro (Austin, Texas), San Antonio Metro (San Antonio, Texas), and The Soul Café Church (Kerrville, Texas), as well as serving as the pastor of Frontline Church, a ministry to young adults in Washington D.C. These four ministries combined reached over 40,000 young adults with the Gospel. He recently served as Teaching Pastor at Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall, Texas before taking on his current full-time role with The Last Well in March 2013. His vision for The Last Well came while he was the Senior Pastor of Frontline Church in Washington D.C. Many of the young adults who regularly attended one of ten Frontline Campuses around D.C. saw the movie, “Amazing Grace.” God used the movie, chronicling the life of William Wilberforce, a Christ follower credited with ending the slave trade in the U.K., to create an otherworldly passion in the hearts and minds of the 4000 young adults who were part of the church. They came to Todd Phillips asking, “Why can’t we see God END something in our generation like he did when he ended the slave trade through William Wilberforce?” From that question, The Last Well was born.