Meet Dr. Michael Ortiz, Director of DTS en Español
About the Contributors

Michael A. Ortiz
Dr. Ortiz was born in New York City to Cuban immigrants. After receiving a law degree from SMU in 1988 and developing his practice in Florida, he submitted his life to Christ. Dr. Ortiz developed a hunger for biblical and theological studies. In 2015 he received his PhD from Seminario Teológico Centroamericano (SETECA) following his ThM from DTS in 2008. Most of his ministry prior to DTS involved theological education leadership and teaching in Spanish-speaking countries, especially Cuba. Since being at DTS, Dr. Ortiz served as the initial director of DTS en Español, a department developed to offer master’s-level programs to the Spanish world. His primary academic interests relate to global theological education and contextualization and often speaks at conferences on these topics as well as others. He currently serves as International Director of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education which further positions him as a key leader in global theological education. Dr. Ortiz has been married to Kathy for over thirty years, and they have two adult children. He still maintains his Florida Bar license.