Our Model: Washing One Another's Feet
Chuck Swindoll shows the Christian the Biblical model of humility by discussing Jesus washing the disciples' feet.
Introduction: The Treehouse Club
- The neighborhood kids form a club for their treehouse gatherings
- Rules for the club: “Nobody act big, nobody act little, everybody act medium”
Application to God's House
- The same principles apply in God’s house
- People shouldn't act superior or inferior but be themselves in service
Apostle Paul's Teachings in Romans 12
- Paul instructs believers not to think too highly or too lowly of themselves
- God has given different gifts to each individual, and all are valuable
The Body of Christ
- Believers are compared to members of a body, where each part has a function
- The importance of unity and cooperation within the body of Christ
- Division in the body is compared to a disease
Personal Experience of Freedom in Ministry
- Dr. Swindoll reflects on personal experiences of trying to imitate others
- Freedom came from embracing personal gifts and calling
Eugene Peterson’s Paraphrase of Romans 12
- Understanding ourselves through what God has done for us
- Warning against pride and comparison with others
Jesus as the Model of Humility (John 13)
- Jesus' example of humility by washing the disciples' feet
- The significance of strength under control, illustrated through meekness
Peter’s Reaction to Jesus Washing Feet
- Peter's refusal and later acceptance of Jesus' act of washing his feet
- Lessons on humility and receiving without embarrassment
Personal Reflection on Humility and Service
- Dr. Swindoll reflects on challenges in receiving help and being humble
- Anecdote about a friend offering to clean Dr. Swindoll’s windows
Humility in Relationships
- Importance of not letting education or knowledge create arrogance
- Dr. Swindoll shares a lesson learned from correcting his wife
Jesus’ Non-Selective Humility
- Jesus washed all the disciples' feet, even Judas’
- Humility does not play favorites
A Lesson in Loving the Lost
- Anecdote about an encounter with a Christian Science guide and Bruce Waukee’s gracious approach to evangelism
Final Reflections
- Serving others, not just the Lord, is an essential part of humility
- True humility is demonstrated through action, not just knowledge
- The blessing of humility and serving others
- Prayer for continued growth in humility and reproof
*The above summary is AI-generated, so discrepancies may exist. Please refer to the audio or video file to verify accuracy.
About the Contributors

Charles R. Swindoll
Charles R. Swindoll has devoted his life to the accurate, practical teaching and application of God’s Word and His grace. A pastor at heart, Chuck has served as the founder and senior pastor-teacher of Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas. His leadership as president and now Chancellor Emeritus of Dallas Theological Seminary has helped prepare and equip a new generation for ministry. Chuck and his wife Cynthia, have four grown children, ten grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.