Prototype of a Protege
Psalm 90:12
Introduction to the prototype of a project
Scriptural Foundation
- Luke 6:12-16: The pivotal paragraph in the book of Luke
- Context of Jesus’ popularity and the opposition He faced
- Emphasis on the significance of Jesus spending an entire night in prayer before choosing His disciples
Importance of Prayer in Choosing Projects and People
- Reference to John 17:6, 9: Jesus praying for those given to Him
- The need for prayerful selection of individuals to mentor or work with
Realism in Mentorship
- Even Jesus chose Judas, indicating that not all mentored individuals will turn out positively
- Understanding the potential for failure and betrayal in mentoring relationships
Four Mentoring Priorities
- Develop an Eternal Perspective: Importance of having a long-term, eternal view
- Model the Savior: Jesus Christ as the ultimate pattern for the Christian life
- Become a Servant: True servanthood tested by reactions to being treated as a servant
- Cultivate Faith: Faith as the core measure in mentorship
Criteria for Choosing a Protégé (Mentoring Criteria)
- Faithfulness:
- Emphasis on the high value of faithfulness in scripture
- Increasing responsibility for faithful individuals
- Availability: It’s not just about ability but also availability
- Self-Starters: Looking for individuals who take initiative and responsibility
- Teachable Spirit: Willingness to learn and accept discipline
- Heart for God: Evidenced by what they believe God for, signs of the supernatural in their life, and what they love
Practical Steps in Mentorship
- Testing Faithfulness: Through opposition, criticism, and conflict
- Assessing Potential Protégés: Exposure and time to understand the person well
- Commitment and Sacrifice: Willingness to make commitments and sacrifices
- Recognizing a thankful spirit as an indicator of a good mentoring relationship
- Summary of the key points and encouragement for realistic expectations in mentorship
*The above summary is AI-generated, so discrepancies may exist. Please refer to the audio or video file to verify accuracy.
About the Contributors

Howard G. Hendricks
Dr. Howard G. Hendricks, known simply as “Prof,” directly or indirectly touched millions of lives in the evangelical community and beyond. For more than sixty years Prof served on the faculty of Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), where he taught more than ten thousand students. He served as the chairman of the Center for Christian Leadership for over twenty years. He also ministered in person in more than eighty countries. Through speaking engagements, radio, tapes, films, the sixteen books he authored and coauthored, countless journal and popular-market articles, his service on numerous boards, and his work as a chaplain to the Dallas Cowboys (1976–1984), his reach was and is worldwide.
His legacy, in partnership with Jeanne, his wife of more than sixty-five years, includes four children and six grandchildren. Holding large audiences enthralled at venues such as Billy Graham’s conference center or Promise Keepers’ stadium rallies, Prof would confide, “It’s wonderful to be here with you, but I have a group of delicious students waiting for me back at the seminary.”