Summer 2006 Chapel
Colossians 1:19
Introduction to Philo of Alexandria
- Jewish philosopher contemporary to Christ
- Attempted to link Jewish scriptures with Greek philosophy
- Introduced dualism separating God from humanity
Philo's Philosophy on Deity and Humanity
- Deity reveals knowledge but is separate from humanity
- Humanity is too sinful to connect with deity
- Best humans can do is grasp divine ideas and secrets
Impact of Dualism on Early Christian Thought
- Dualism persisted into early church teachings
- Influenced by asceticism, dualism, and mysticism
- Paul's response to heretical teachings in Colossians
Paul's Opposition to Gnostic and Dualistic Ideas
- Gnostics believed deity could not have human form
- Some Gnostics claimed Jesus was purely divine or purely human
- Paul refuted these ideas, emphasizing Jesus as both God and human
Pleasing God and Divine Revelation
- Study on what pleases God
- Divine pleasure in revealing truth to the humble
- Example from Matthew 11:25-26 about God’s revelation
The Father-Son Relationship and Revelation
- Jesus’ claim to divine authority and revelation
- God’s pleasure in humbling the proud and exalting the humble
- Importance of humility in understanding divine truth
Biblical References to Divine Pleasure
- Matthew 11:25-26: Divine revelation to the humble
- Colossians 1:19: God’s pleasure in the fullness of deity dwelling in Jesus
- Importance of the incarnation for salvation
Contradiction of Dualism by the Incarnation
- Dualism denies the possibility of deity in human form
- Paul’s assertion of God’s pleasure in Jesus’ incarnation
- Incarnation necessary for reconciliation and salvation
Significance of the Incarnation for Salvation
- Fullness of deity in Jesus necessary for redemption
- Jesus’ perfect life and death essential for salvation
- Reconciliation through Jesus’ fleshly body
Final Thoughts and Prayer
- Importance of the incarnation against heretical teachings
- Affirmation of the sufficiency of God’s word
- Prayer of gratitude for Jesus’ role in salvation and revelation
*The above summary is AI-generated, so discrepancies may exist. Please refer to the audio or video file to verify accuracy.
About the Contributors

Mark L. Bailey
Dr. Bailey assumed the role of DTS Chancellor after serving for 19 years as the Seminary’s fifth President, and continues his role as Sr. Professor in the Bible Exposition department. In addition to his years at Dallas Theological Seminary, he has pastored various churches in Arizona and Texas. He was a seminar instructor for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries for twenty years and is in demand for Bible conferences and other preaching engagements all over the country and world. His overseas ministries have included Venezuela, Argentina, Hungary, and China. He is also a regular tour leader in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Rome. His board service includes Bible Study Fellowship, Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, and Word of Life.