Our Worth and Value Set Secure

“Who am I?” we often ask.
Are we defined by work or task?
As we proceed through each new day,
Are we defined by what we say?
The world declares that this is true,
That identity is in what we do;
That we become the roles we play
And find our value in this way.
But God has quite a different plan.
He knows the very heart of man.
Our roles and tasks may come and go;
The Truth is what we need to know.
The haunting question, “Who am I?”
Is answered in the Savior’s cry.
“It is finished,” He proclaims;
The souls of man, His love reclaims.
And now to each to whom believes,
The gift of worth the heart receives.
Identity secure and strong;
In Christ alone we now belong.
Yes, we are men and women too,
Unique, distinct through and through,
And shaped by God’s own sovereign hand
Through years gone by that He has planned.
Each person, place, event, and thing
Is woven in the life we bring.
A testimony of His grace,
Reflected in each shining face.
We are the children of the King;
Identity in Him we sing.
Our worth and value set secure;
Forevermore we will endure.
Our anchor is in Christ alone.
We rest in His dear, sweet shalom.
We need not question who we are.
Our hope is in God’s Morning Star.
About the Contributors

Joye B. Baker
Dr. Joye Baker has taught and discipled women in the church for more than thirty years. Widowed in 1989 with three children, her heart’s passion is to encourage women in their walk with the Lord and share the love and hope that God alone can give. As adjunct professor and women’s adviser in the Department of Educational Ministries and Leadership, Dr. Baker oversees the Ministry with Women concentration in the Master of Arts in Christian Education (MACE) and the Master of Theology (ThM) programs. She also serves on the staff of the Spiritual Formation program, through which she leads groups and mentors women leaders. Dr. Baker also team-teaches with Dr. Sue Edwards the DMin Women in Ministry Cohort. From 2000-2008, Dr. Baker was part of a team of American women who travelled to Moscow twice a year to equip Russian women to teach and train lay women to effectively minister to the needs of women in their churches and communities. She has three adult children, a daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.