Magazine Issue: Summer 2019

The Most Magnificent Life
Several times a year, Dr. Swindoll preaches in chapel, including Seminary Preview Day, to encourage prospective…

Six Ways Our Identity Impacts Our Involvement with the Lost
After a cancelled flight, an overwhelmed airline agent did her best to rebook a long line…

Perhaps before we invite people to Jesus or invite them to church, we should invite them…

Baby Bumped: Groaning with Creation
Looking for Love (Steve) God ripped me off. I knew it, and He knew it—or I thought…

Our Worth and Value Set Secure
“Who am I?” we often ask. Are we defined by work or task? As we…

A Reflection of God's Grace
The pastor’s message on this particular Sunday morning had opened a floodgate of emotions my fourteen-year-old self…

Forgiven: A Holistic Transformation
I remember vividly how I felt in that classroom at the Agriculture University. Pastor Okoch’s hatred…

Alive to Forward
To put it in a simple metaphor, before we came to Christ, the Bible teaches that all…