Gene Getz
Dr. Gene Getz is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, earned a BA from Rocky Mountain College, an MA from the Wheaton Graduate School and a Ph.D. From New York University. He has served as a professor at both Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary. After 20 years in the academic world, Dr. Getz became involve in church planting and in 1972 launched the Fellowship Bible Church movement. Today, some 30,000 people worship in 12 church in the Dallas area alone. After passing on the leadership of the church in 2004, Dr. Getz now serves as President of the Center for Church Renewal. In 2011, Dr. Getz was invited to create the Life Essentials Study Bible, which is the first multi-media study Bible. This Bible has 1500 “Principles to Live By” that are embedded in the biblical text. Accompanying each principle is a QR code, which enables the reader to view an extended teaching video on each topic. Dr. Getz has also authored more than 60 books and is a radio host for a daily feature.
Gene Getz’s Books
Gene Getz’s Contributions

Discipleship: Past and Present

Insurmountable Challenges