Jim Howard
Dr. Howard has earned a ThM as well as a PhD in New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. His passion for teaching has led him to international ministry where he annually teaches at schools in Nepal, India, and Mozambique. After high school he joined the US Navy’s nuclear program and was stationed in San Diego, CA where he met his first wife, Judy. She went to be with the Lord after they had been married 5 years from complications relating to Cystic Fibrosis, leaving him with a 1 and 3 year old. Jim and Nancy have been married since 1984 and they have four children and nine grandchildren. In addition to hiking, camping, skiing, sailing, four-wheeling, taekwondo (he has his 2nd Dan black belt) and reading, Jim loves being pastor at Dillon Community Church in Dillon, Colorado.
Jim Howard’s Contributions

Rediscovering God's Vision for Male/Female Partnerships in Ministry

Sacrifice and Redemption: Our Life

Sacrifice and Gospel: Our Message

Sacrifice and Priesthood: Our Calling