Neil Henry
Neil holds a Diploma in Education obtained at the Hewat College of Education in Cape Town and taught at Secondary School level for 11 years before entering full time ministry. He served in youth and outreach ministries for several years before commencing his studies at the Bible Institute of South Africa where he earned a BTh and BTh (Honours) from the University of Potchefstroom. He then served as pastor of the Simon’s Town Baptist church for four and half years before joining the BISA staff. He serves on the Christian Leadership Programme, known as the CLP which provides training for indigenous pastors and church leaders. His passion is to develop and teach pastors and church leaders in the area of leadership and sound biblical preaching. He continues to work with Wayne Mack in the field of Biblical Counselling. Neil also serves as the Pastor of the Metropolitan Evangelistic Church in Lavender Hill. Neil is married to Patricia and they have they have one daughter, Tahlia, who did the Gap Year at BISA and is currently studying Oceanography.