Ric Sun
Ric was born and raised in Taiwan. He lived 24 years without knowing Christ, pursuing nothing but worldly success, money, and self-fulfillment. While the vanity clothed him from the outside, his soul was tragically empty inside. By God’s ferocious grace, God took hold of his heart in 2007 through a mission trip in Taiwan. God has radically transformed his life from an enemy of God to a child of God, a seeker of truth to a minister of the Gospel, and a lover of the world to a lover of the Word.
Since 2010, Ric and his wife, Jocelyn, have begun the pursuit of God’s calling and mission to serve and minister in a number of churches and ministries, including urban missionary at Apartment Life (2010-12), youth minister at West Houston Chinese Church (2011-16), college and engage minister at Asian American Baptist Church in Dallas (2017-20). Ric graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2019 and served as an advisory elder and community pastor at Icon Church in Dallas for a year before receiving the call to join Life International in Grand Rapids Michigan as Pastor of Partner Care in June 2022, an organization that upholds the value of the sanctity of human life from womb to tomb.
He is crazy about Jesus and a sold-out follower of His savior. His family mission is to embrace the Father, engage the lost, equip the believers and empower the leaders. Not only is he passionate about teaching the truth through evangelism and apologetics, holistic discipleship and expository preaching, but also loving well to the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit in recovery ministry. He is also a boba tea lover and Tae Kwon Do instructor (black belt). Ric has been married to his college sweetheart, Jocelyn, since 2010 and they are incredibly blessed with three adorable children, Kyra (11), Liora (7), Zion (5) and two precious children in heaven.
Ric Sun’s Contributions