Yaohui Lu
Minister Yaohui Lu has been serving as the Pearland campus minister since 2018. He was born in China and came to United States in 1996 for graduate school together with his wife. He came to know Christ through the campus ministry in Georgia Tech and was baptized in Atlanta Chinese Christian Church in 1997. As he started to work as a Chemical Engineer after graduation, minister Yaohui also started to take seminary classes as a part-time student in Biblical Theological Seminary. In 2007 when he attended an evangelical meeting in Philadelphia by Stephen Tong, he answered the challenge to serve God at full-time basis if God calls him to do so. After ten years of exploring, struggling, confirming, and preparing, he finally put down his profession job in 2017 and got ready to serve God full-time. Minister Yaohui graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a ThM degree in 2018. He and his wife has two children. Their daughter, Anna, graduated from UT-Austin and preparing for the law school; their son, Philip, is attending Texas A&M.