Magazine Issue: Spring 2003

14 Reasons Why Song of Solomon Probably Doesn’t Tell a Single Love Story

The narrative approach to the Song of Solomon has been popularized by several writers. While this…
February 14, 2015
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

After all, “new” makes sense only when contrasted with what is “old.”
July 7, 2006

Cloning, Stem-Cell Research and the Bible

THE GENETIC REVOLUTION MAY HAVE BEGUN in the twentieth century, but its impact will be felt…
July 7, 2006

In The Begining… The “Why” of Genesis 1–2

The most common, almost instinctual, reaction of people who read the first two chapters of Genesis…
July 7, 2006

John F. Walvoord (1910–2002) Home for Christmas

Our beloved John F. Walvoord, long-time president and chancellor emeritus at Dallas Theological Seminary and one…
July 7, 2006

Lord of the Rings: Foundations for Marriage

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and unites with his wife, and…
July 7, 2006

Spring Always Comes

With it I am reminded of the magnificent, persistent grace of God. His grace, bestowed on…
July 7, 2006

Stem Cell Research, Morality, and Law

A paper presented to the Oxford Society of Scholars Forum by Rollin A. Van Broekhoven, JD,…
July 7, 2006

Why We Honor the Human Embryo

My family gathered after our holiday feast to play Balderdash, a game in which players make up…
July 7, 2006

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