Scripture: Genesis 22

God Tests Abraham and Teaches His Descendants
Dr. Kreider, a Professor of Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, utilizes Genesis 22: 1-14 to…

Passing the Test
The complexities of life in our modern society put many to a severe test. Providing adequately…

WEC: Willing and Able: Testable
WEC Week speaker Jon Burns proposes that a life tested and found constant contributes to building…

A Vision for Preaching: The Heart of Pastoral Ministry and Its Implications
Dr. Abraham Kuruvilla, Professor of Pastoral Ministries, reveals the implications of preaching the thrust of the…

When People Live to Be Very Old
What does the Bible say about the aged and aging? Quite a bit actually.

Black History Chapel
Pastor Bryan Carter, senior pastor of Concord Missionary Baptist Church, encourages us with how to handle…

Ace The Test
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministries, Dr. Abraham Kuruvilla, exhorts students to "ace the faith" of faith…

Does God Change His Mind
Some theologians would agree, “The omnipotent, sovereign God decrees all things and does not change His…

The Christmas Prophecies
"Don't make me come down there."—God You might have seen the above statement on a billboard.…

Reservoir of Grace
Because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we don’t have to plead guilty in an open-and-shut…

The Test Before Graduation
Dr. Martin Hawkins, president of Southern Bible Institute, brings the message that in the midst of…