Scripture: James 1

Jeanne Hendricks: God’s Grace Before, Beside, and After “Prof” Hendricks
“Prof” Howard Hendricks—affectionately “Howie,” to his wife—left an incredible legacy of godly leadership when he went…

Seven Ways to Love One Another…Even in an Election Year
Although in Christ we are one body, sometimes we don’t behave that way on the internet,…

Praying for Dallas and Beyond
On behalf of the DTS Community we extend our hearts and prayers to those who have…

Tested or Tempted?
Dr. Peggy Banks, Minister to Women at Northwest Bible Church, issues the challenge to confront fear…

A New Testament View of Stewardship and Wealth
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. Greg Forster discuss stewardship and wealth, focusing on…

The Moral Requirements of Flourishing Economies
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Greg Forster discuss a biblical view of work and…

Following Jesus in Seminary
An excerpt from Blessed Are the Balanced: A Seminarian’s Guide to Following Jesus in the Academy,…

God's Role in My Son's Autism
When Miltinnie Yih’s son received a diagnosis of “autism,” she wrestled with the “why?” Was it…

Senior Preaching Week: Responding to Trials
Jim Krouscas, Senior Preacher, DTS, explains how God uses trials and unmet expectations to grow us…

Senior Preaching Week: The Care of the Orphan
Jared Perry, Senior Preacher, DTS, shares the expectation God has for us in caring for the…

WEC 2012 Summary: Reach the Unreached for Jesus
What are the components of biblical missions? How can the church train indigenous missionaries for effective…

The Careful Handling of the Word
Alumnus Jack Kuhatschek (ThM, 1977) outlines pitfalls that lead to error, along with suggestions for interpreting…

God's Care for Children
Dr. Doug McConnell, Dean of the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, explains that…

Refined by Fire
Associate Professor of Christian Education and associate academic dean for Academic Administration, Dr. Jim Thames, shares…

Prayers That God Answers
At times our prayers can feel like helium balloons that disappear into the sky, and we…

Crown Casting
They have been my close companions when days are dark and dismal, when I’ve felt oppressed…

Hazards of Being a Man: Overcoming 12 Challenges All Men Face
Book Excerpt: Consider five ways to manage anger. From Hazards of Being a Man by Jeffrey…

Why Feed the Hungry?
Mike Douris (ThM, 1984), of Orphan Outreach, talks about how following Jesus involves meeting more than…

Love Mercy
"CHAPLAIN, A CPR PATIENT IS coming in by ambulance in two minutes. The paramedics say it…