Scripture: John 5

Ministering to Generation Alpha
In this episode, Bill Hendricks and Janine McNally discuss the critical role that the Church and…

Leading Like Jesus…with TLC
Many people use the initials TLC to mean tender, loving care. When we look at the…

Building Bridges, Cultivating Community: Leadership In Houston
LEADERSHIP EXAMPLES AT HOMEThe development of leaders begins in childhood. The qualities and character people bring…

Riot of Ephesus: The Challenge of a New Identity in Christ
Excavations at Ephesus enable us to picture what we read in Acts. Archaeologists have discovered the…

Leadership Lessons From the Life of Moses
As a young seminarian in the mid-1980s, I carried pain from my family’s past. The origin…

Portrait of a Small-Church Leader
Before I became a DTS student, my wife and I were members of Bethany Bible Church…

How the Church is to Hear from God
Every semester I begin by having my students introduce themselves and explain why they chose to…

Escaping the Prosperity Gospel – Classic
In this classic episode Mikel Del Rosario and Costi Hinn discuss the prosperity gospel, focusing on…

Escaping the Prosperity Gospel
In this episode Mikel Del Rosario and Costi Hinn discuss the prosperity gospel, focusing on Hinn's…

From Paralysis to Blindness
Dr. Will Johnston, associate professor of New Testament, discusses the paralytic's rejection of Jesus, even after…

The Person of Jesus in the Nicene Creed
In this episode, Drs. Darrell Bock and Scott Horrell discuss the Nicene Creed, focusing on essential…

The Doctrine of God in the Nicene Creed
In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock and Doug Blount discuss the Nicene Creed, focusing on…

A Biblical View of Stewardship
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. Greg Forster discuss faith and work, focusing on…

A Leader's Pilgrimage
Leadership development is a lifelong journey in which our sovereign God orchestrates the experiences, crises, and…

Cultivating Sabbath Rest in a Busy World
God gave his people rest for two reasons: so they could experience his presence and so…

Prayers That God Answers
At times our prayers can feel like helium balloons that disappear into the sky, and we…

Faith that Goes the Distance
The Sub-Sahara Desert west of Sudan and south of Libya is a no-man’s land. Travel nine…

Be an Answer to Someone Else's Prayer
“Lord, please help Granddad come to know you.” This was the frequent request during the children’s…