Scripture: Psalm 118

God’s Discipline: Punitive or Instructive?

What comes to mind when you hear the word “discipline?” You probably think of either punishment—like…
June 13, 2024
Black combat boot stepping into a mud puddle

Dancing the One Step: Pursuing God after Seminary

Much like the blind disciples, I skipped the suffering and only saw an empty throne filled…
January 6, 2021
Dr. Bock with other DTS professors recording The Table podcast

Women in the Old Testament

In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock, Brian Webster, Dorian G. Coover-Cox and Sandra Glahn discuss…
July 11, 2018

The World Is Your Workshop

We led many Bible clubs when our children were young with neighborhood children coming to our…
July 7, 2006

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