Scripture: Psalm 37

A Good Word: ὀφθαλμός “eye”
Isn’t it interesting that we often ignore the importance of our body parts when they are…

A Good Word: ἐλπίς “hope” (in 1 Peter 3:15)
1 Peter 3:15 is a well-known verse. It often appears in Bible memory verse packets. While…

A Good Word: חסה – To take shelter
It was the most important day of my life. Though it was over 60 years ago,…

How the Church Can Encourage Singles
A few ideas about how the church can encourage single people and integrate them into the…

Fail Safe: Facing Failure Successfully
DTS professor Dr. Ramesh Richard speaks to the niche audience of Christian CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs,…

Sitting Down With God
Chaplain Bill Bryan, associate professor of Pastoral Ministries and seminary chaplain, encourages us to spend time…

With Love from Cuba
Christian Cubans subsist on more than one ration of rice and beans per day; they subsist…

Come Thou Fount
Our Lord promises us the desires of our hearts, but do we really believe Him? Harry…