Category: Revelation (Audio)
The Abrahamic Covenant: Genesis 12-15
Bruce Waltke discusses how the Abrahamic Covenant relates to the themes of creation, the Fall, and…
Fruitful Disciples
Bill Bryan teaches on the meaning of abiding in Christ as it relates to the final…
Introduction to Biblical Theology
Bruce Waltke gives an introduction to Biblical theology and the major overview of the Scriptural narrative.…
The Fall and Adamic Covenant: Genesis I
Genesis 2, 3 Foundations of Old Testament Theology Examination of the primary history from Genesis through…
Genesis and the Covenant of Creation: Genesis I
Bruce Waltke gives an outline of Genesis in its literary, historical, and scientific contexts. Analysis of…
Onramp to the Postmodern Conversation
Brian McLaren explains certainty versus conviction, the roles of individualism and collectivism in the Gospel, and…
Postmodern Conversation – Defined, Themes
Brian McLaren explains the difference between modernity and postmodernity and its implications for evangelism, theology, and…
Reality vs. Pretending
Chuck Swindoll contrasts the symptoms of a dead and living church from Revelation 3. Introduction: Cotton…
Lamb of God in Revelation
Revelation 1:1 Introduction Introduction of Family and Context: Personal anecdotes about family Introduction to the significance…
Worship Through the Ages
Revelation 19:10 Introduction to the Big Picture of the Scriptures Overview of various themes traced in…
Bill Bryan teaches on the end of Ezekiel and its declaration that THE LORD IS THERE,…